Produse pentru kacang nut king (25)

Pecan 500g vivio nuci

Pecan 500g vivio nuci

Les noix de pacanes sont classées comme l'une des espèces les plus nobles de noix. Ils étaient un élément important du régime alimentaire des habitants indigènes d'Amérique du Nord. Les noix ont un goût légèrement sucré et buty-buutton, donc ils s'adaptent parfaitement à tous les gâteaux, desserts et les chocolats. Ils sont une composante de la célèbre tarte aux pacanes (tarte aux pacanes), préparée à Thanksgiving. 90% des graisses contenues dans les noix de pacanes sont des acides gras sains et monoinsaturés. Les AGE sont nécessaires pour la santé de la peau, une fonction cardiovasculaire appropriée. Ils réduisent les LDL (si appelés mauvais cholestérol), grâce auxquels ils protègent contre le développement de l'athérosclérose. Les cadeaux des pacanes contiennent des vitamines: C, E, K et B les vitamines ainsi que le magnésium, le manganèse et les minéraux en cuivre. Le manganèse soutient le système nerveux et accélère le passage du cholestérol, tandis que le cuivre est nécessaire pou
Anacardo en vrac

Anacardo en vrac

El anacardo a granel de Lord Spices Group es una delicia natural que combina sabor y nutrición. Este producto ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionado y procesado para garantizar su calidad y frescura. Es ideal para aquellos que buscan una opción saludable y deliciosa para sus necesidades culinarias o de snack. Nuestro compromiso con la calidad se extiende a cada aspecto de nuestro proceso de producción. Desde la selección de las mejores materias primas hasta el empaquetado y transporte, nos aseguramos de que cada anacardo mantenga su sabor y textura únicos. Además, ofrecemos un servicio personalizado que nos permite adaptarnos a las necesidades específicas de nuestros clientes, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
Arahide, prăjite - Arahide prăjite

Arahide, prăjite - Arahide prăjite

Mit den gerösteten NutriPur Erdnüssen kommt das Snack-Erlebnis zu Dir nach Hause oder ins Büro. Eignet sich auch für Unterwegs! Nüsse zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Anteil von Proteinen aus. Ideal für deine leckere Zwischenmahlzeit. Die Erdnüsse sind frei von Geschmacksverstärkern, Farbstoffen und Konservierungsstoffen. Snack it!


Questa gustosa crema nocciola è l'ingrediente perfetto per arricchire e rendere ancora più appetitose le vostre preparazioni di pasticceria. Con il suo delicato sapore di nocciola e la sua consistenza perfettamente liscia e omogenea, è ideale per farcire torte, bignè, crostate e moltissimi altri dolci. Tra i principali vantaggi e caratteristiche: - Alto contenuto di nocciola (30%) - Perfetta consistenza, non eccessivamente oleosa - Si amalgama e si lavora con facilità - Conferisce ai vostri dolci un gusto avvolgente di nocciola. CONFEZIONE DA 1 1 PZ = EURO 6,00 1 PALLET 175 SECCHI MINIMO D'ORDINE 30 PALLET SCADENZA 24/03/2026
Ulei de arahide

Ulei de arahide

Peanut oil, also known as groundnut oil, is rich in monounsaturated fats and is known for its stability and robustness. It has a characteristic, slightly nutty taste while remaining odorless, making it a versatile choice for cooking and frying. Peanut oil's high temperature stability makes it ideal for manufacturing pourable dressings and as a substitute for olive oil in salads. Its ability to keep solids in suspension for longer periods makes it a preferred ingredient in mayonnaise and margarine production. Peanut oil is a reliable and flavorful option for both home and professional kitchens.
Miliț - Pachet de miliț

Miliț - Pachet de miliț

Kasza jaglana uważana jest za jeden z najzdrowszych pokarmów świata. Uprawiana od setek lat, pozyskiwana jest z łuskanych ziaren prosa. Wyróżnia się najwyższą zawartością witamin z grupy B:(B1,B2,B6) oraz żelaza i miedzi. Kasza jaglana posiada także właściwości lecznicze, jest lekkostrawna i nie uczula, bo nie zawiera glutenu dlatego może być spożywana przez osoby chorujące na celiakie. Ma właściwości antywirusowe, zmniejsza stan zapalny błon śluzowych. Zawiera krzemionkę, która korzystnie wpływa na stan naszej skóry, włosów i paznokci.
Săpun cu cocos

Săpun cu cocos

Dermoten® Coconut Soap, is a glycerin-based, transparent soap containing cold-pressed coconut oil (Cocos nucifera) oil. Coconut oil is a valuable oil frequently used in skin and hair care. It gently cleans your skin with its pleasant and exotic scent. Dermoten® Coconut Soap, dermatologically tested. Ingredients: Aqua, Glycerin, Sodium Stearate, Propylene Glycol, Sorbitol, Sodium Laurate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Parfum, Sodium Chloride, Stearic Acid, Lauric Acid, Cocos Nucifera Oil, Pentasodium Pentetate, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Coumarin, Limonene, Hexyl Cinnamal, Linalool, Citronellol. Usage: Can be applied morning and evening. It is recommended to use regularly.
Mango uscat

Mango uscat

Nous sommes l'entreprise SOTRAPAC. Nous produisons les fruits séchés sous le label MITZ. Les produits actuellement disponibles : bananes séchées, Ananas séchés, mangues séchées, Cassimanga séché, papayes séchées et bien d'autres encore. Nous sommes situés au Cameroun Yaoundé. Nous répondons au +237655086223. Notre sommes disponibles sur Facebook sous le nom de MITZ. Nous sommes prêts à vous fournir à tous les grossistes et exportateurs, peu importe votre pays et peu importe la quantité. Actuellement nous avons une Capacité de production de 3tonnes/mois. Nous comptons passer à un minimum de 30 tonnes / mois d'ici 5 ans . N'hésitez surtout pas à nous contacter si vous êtes intéressé et pour avoir des images de nos produits. P.s. aucun sucre ajouté, aucun colorant. Durée de conservation 6 mois minimum.
Nuci cu condimente

Nuci cu condimente

Our company this year has launched a new product under the GoodNut trademark - a walnut with spices. At the moment in our assortment: walnut spicy walnut picantny walnut caramel walnut italian herbs walnut blanche This type of product can be purchased in the following packages: plastic tubes 150, 200, 250 g, vacuum 1 kg and 5 kg.
Nuci caju prăjite în caramel 100g - NUCILE ȘI SEMINȚELE ÎN CARAMELO

Nuci caju prăjite în caramel 100g - NUCILE ȘI SEMINȚELE ÎN CARAMELO

Cashews are one of the noblest and tastiest nuts and dried fruit. Just a bomb full of precious ingredients. Enriched with delicate golden caramel, it tastes delicious. Product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free, Vegan
Alune Prăjite Decojite

Alune Prăjite Decojite

Le gustose nocciole sgusciate e tostate le riconosci subito per il loro profumo delizioso. Ne esistono davvero tante varietà e differiscono per la loro particolare forma che può essere tonda o allungata. Tutte le nocciole hanno, però, un comune denominatore: fanno gola al palato e sono delle vere protagoniste in cucina, essendo perfette sia nei piatti dolci che salati. Le puoi aggiungere ai cereali, alle insalate, alle salse, ai budini o utilizzarle per conferire croccantezza e gusto a primi piatti, secondi di pesce e di carne. Oltretutto, sono veramente preziose in pasticceria e in gelateria perché costituiscono un ingrediente base di tantissime creazioni, come creme, gelati e torte. Le nocciole sgusciate e tostate, oltre ad essere squisite ed irresistibili, sono anche benefiche per il nostro organismo: sono ricche di vitamina E, un antiossidante utile per la prevenzione di alcuni tipi di tumore e sono un’ottima fonte di fosforo, potassio, calcio e proteine.
Arahide Crude Decojite cu Piele - CHINA - 25 kg - Organic*

Arahide Crude Decojite cu Piele - CHINA - 25 kg - Organic*

Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - L’arachide est plus communément appelée cacahuète, qui est en fait la graine de l’arachide. C’est une «pistache de terre» qui se cultive dans les régions subtropicales et tempérées. Les Arachides crues VIJAYA, toutes rondes et rosées, sont de variété Baisha et ont ce goût croquant inimitable de petit pois. Retrouvez également les arachides crues émondées VIJAYA, ainsi que les arachides grillées salées. Référence:23001
Nuclee de caise naturale

Nuclee de caise naturale

-Kayısı çekirdeğinin içinde A, D, K ve E vitaminlerinin yanı sıra kanserle mücadele önemli bir etki sahibi olduğu söylenen B17, başka bir isimle laetril adı bir madde de yer alıyor. Bu nedenle kayısı çekirdeği birçok konuda vücudun yanında yer alabiliyor. -İçindeki B17 sayesinde kanserli hücrelerin oluşumunu, oluşmuş olanlarınsa genişlemesini engellediği söyleniyor. -Bolca vitamin barındırması sayesinde kayısı çekirdeği bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici bir etki de yaratabiliyor. -Bu özellikleri dışında yüksek kan basıncını dengelemede yardımcı oluyor. Bu sayede yüksek tansiyonu olanlara destek oluyor. -Kayısı çekirdeği, yağ olarak kullanıldığına selülitlerin görünümünü azaltıp oluşumunu önlüyor. -Bununla da kalmayan kayısı çekirdeği yağı, cildi nemlendiriyor, kırışıklık karşıtı bir etki yaratıyor, cildin yaşlanmasını geciktiriyor. -Sivilcelerin hızla geçmesine destek oluyor. -Kayısı çekirdeği yağı, ağrıları dindirmede de önemli rol oynuyor.
Amidon de tapioca 300g

Amidon de tapioca 300g

Tapioca starch is distinguished by the fact that it increases viscosity of the product without coloring it. The properties of tapioca starch are very similar to the properties of potato starch. It is used in many glutenfree baking recipes to make the dish look better or to achieve a golden crust. Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health. Weight:300 g
Arahide - Arahide Îngroșate, Arahide Java, Arahide Blanșate

Arahide - Arahide Îngroșate, Arahide Java, Arahide Blanșate

Ние доставяме фъстъци: Смел фъстък Ява фъстък Бланширани фъстъци
Pudră de guarana

Pudră de guarana

Guarana contains high levels of caffeine. It stimulates up to 5 times stronger than coffee, and at the same time doesn’t stress the heart, due to its slow digestion. Net Weight:28 gr. Gross Weight:420 gr. Shelf Life:12 months Storage conditions:Store at a temperature of 18 ± 3 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening, sto Nutritional value per 100 gr.:Proteins - 13 g, fats - 3.5 g, carbohydrates - 59 g (including fiber - 16 g) Energy value per 100 g of product (kcal / kJ):290 kcal (1210 kJ) Ingridients:Guarana powder. Organic:No Raw:Yes Gluten free:Yes
Lokum Fruct Cocos

Lokum Fruct Cocos

Package Quantity : 12 x 350g Artikel Nr: 67131 Grams: 350g
Pecan 500g vivio nuci

Pecan 500g vivio nuci

Pecan nuts are classified as one of the most noble species of nuts. They were an important element of the diet of native inhabitants of North America. The nuts have a slightly sweet and buty -button taste, so they fit perfectly with all cakes, desserts and chocolates. They are a component of the famous Pecan (Pecan Pie) tart, prepared for thanksgiving. A 90% of fats contained in Pecan nuts are healthy, monounsaturated fatty acids. EFAs are necessary for skin health, proper cardiovascular function. They reduce LDL (so -called bad cholesterol), thanks to which they protect against the development of atherosclerosis. Pecan presents contain vitamins: C, E, K and B vitamins as well as magnesium, manganese and copper minerals. Manganese supports the nervous system and accelerates the passage of cholesterol, while copper is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which is transferred to the good condition of our skin.
Mijo 1000g

Mijo 1000g

El mijo está hecho de mijo. Ayuda a contrarrestar la acidificación del cuerpo, fortalece la inmunidad y es nutritiva y fácilmente digerible. Naturalmente está libre de gluten. Su gran ventaja es el alto contenido de vitaminas B, hierro hematopoyético y cobre. Es una excelente fuente de fibra dietética y potasio, magnesio, calcio y sodio. Proporciona al cuerpo una proteína fácilmente digerible y carbohidratos complejos, que son la base de una dieta saludable. El mijo atrapado tiene un efecto antiviral y de fortalecimiento, ayuda a restaurar el equilibrio ácido-base del cuerpo. El grupo B y las vitaminas de hierro tienen hematopoyetia. El mijo ayuda a reducir la inflamación en el cuerpo, trabaja el calentamiento, mejora el metabolismo, mejora la concentración y el recuerdo. El alto contenido de los compuestos de calcio y sílice fortalece los dientes y los huesos. - 4%incluye ácidos grasos saturados 0.4g - 2%de carbohidratos 72.1g - 28%incluyendo azúcares 0.8g - 1%de proteína 10.
Amestec de caramel 100g - NUCILE ȘI SEMINȚELE ÎN CARAMEL

Amestec de caramel 100g - NUCILE ȘI SEMINȚELE ÎN CARAMEL

Lots of that caramel goodness, right? Thinking about those who start their adventure with nuts in caramel and do not know their favorites yet, we have prepared a caramel mix. Thanks to this form, you have the opportunity to taste all the flavors. Product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free, Vegan
Nuci caju prăjite în caramel 90g - NUCILE ȘI SEMINȚELE ÎN CARAMELO

Nuci caju prăjite în caramel 90g - NUCILE ȘI SEMINȚELE ÎN CARAMELO

Cashews are one of the noblest and tastiest nuts and dried fruit. Just a bomb full of precious ingredients. Enriched with delicate golden caramel, it tastes delicious. Product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free, Vegan
Arahide prăjite cu piper 100g

Arahide prăjite cu piper 100g

Meetings with loved ones? We start conversations at the table with the most pleasant topic - food. Remember, we bite difficult or contentious issues with snacks ... without restrictions. The best and everyone's taste - peanuts with spices. Product features:No added sugar, Gluten free, Vegan Weight:100g
arahide - Arahide îndrăznețe, Arahide Java, Arahide albite

arahide - Arahide îndrăznețe, Arahide Java, Arahide albite

Furnizăm arahide: Arahide îndrăznețe Arahide de Java Arahide albite
Boabe de cacao - natural

Boabe de cacao - natural

Natural organic raw cocoa beans Net weight:100 g Energy value per 100 g:565 kcal Shelf life:18 months
arahidă - Arahide îndrăzneață, arahidă Java, arahidă albă

arahidă - Arahide îndrăzneață, arahidă Java, arahidă albă

Προμηθεύουμε φυστίκι: Τολμηρό φυστίκι Java Peanut Φιστίκι ασπρισμένο